Aviation + GSE
Hall Industries is an industry leading supplier of Aviation ground support products and services

Hall Industries towbars are available for just about every plane – from wide body and single aisle, to regional jets and even business jets. We always have a matching towbar in our product range. Our towbars are manufactured in the USA and feature shear pin protection, skydrol resistant paint, roll over protection, jack knife protection and optional hydraulic lift kits and soft start shock absorbing tow eyes. We will build a bar to suit your requirements, from ground up custom designs to customized handles to unique paint jobs and decals.
Pre-Conditioned Air Products
Hall Industries provides premium PCA products, including our aluminum and high strength nylon PCA inlet adapters featuring our legendary rotary cam action latch handle. We are the only company to offer a 1 year warranty on our latch handle castings. A stainless steel mesh screen insert is available to keep debris from entering the aircraft. We supply premium and value PCA and lavatory hose products including spiral wound and layflat to meet a wide variety of site conditions. We offer the lowest maintenance powered PCA hose reels featuring a direct drive motor unit and aluminum and stainless construction for extended service life in harsh conditions. Our hose tube system is available in a variety of configurations to meet your specific requirements.
Automatic Start Switch
Our most recent offering is targeted at dramatically reducing GSE vehicle maintenance and service costs from overheated starters, busted ring gears, blown engines, blown start switches, dead battery callouts and out of gas/no start callouts. It works by replacing the mechanical start switch rated for ~20,000 cycles with an electronic switch rated for ~1M cycles and a controller module, “the box”, with a microprocessor brain. The box incorporates 4 high-power solid state relays to power vehicle functions and several sensor inputs and switch and warning light interconnects.
By reading a variety of vehicle sensors it performs automatic “pushbutton” starting of the engine. It intelligently starts the vehicle while minimizing wear and tear of the starter by limiting crank time to 5 seconds; preventing starting when engine is already running; enforcing a short “cool-down” period between start attempts; automatically turning off starter when engine start is detected to eliminate starter overrun; preventing cranking when out of gas (optional); and preventing cranking during glow plug/air box heater cycles (optional). It monitors engine oil pressure and coolant temp and will automatically shut down the engine upon detection of a potentially damaging condition after notifying the operator. It saves batteries by shutting down the vehicle after 5 minutes if the engine is not running.
Composite Seat
Replace your wooden GSE Vehicle seats with our new long lasting drop-in replacement composite seat. It lasts longer and never splinters.
Hall Industries offers a full range of GSE tires. From our SolidSolver solid jetbridge tires to standard baggage cart tires we have what you need.
Safety Items
Check out our new Conveyor Safety Support designed for WASP walk-behind belt loaders. Never allow your mechanics to work under the conveyer without protection. Our design is a simple bolt on unit that will not go missing and is easy to use. We also offer a step down Conveyor Safety Rail for TUG 660 beltloaders. It features a reduced height handrail at the aircraft end of the belt to clear the engine cowl of regional jets.
Catering Truck Pivot Repair

In the course of regular inspection of catering trucks, an aviation customer noticed that the OEM main pivots were failing, a major safety problem.

Hall Industries engineered, manufactured and installed an upgraded main pivot which returned the trucks to service insuring years of safe operation. We are pleased to offer the repair service or repair kits.
Additional Items
Hall Industries offers replacement belt loader rollers to fit all industry standard units. Our new 400 Hz strap features a reliable design and MIL-W-4088 Type 17 – 1″ webbing. We offer custom designed walkover ramps for use when removing scales from ticket counters. These have exceptional quality construction and feature simple installation. Custom design is our standard, and we have engineered a built specialized tooling and equipment including a certified transmission lifting bracket, a pushback tractor hitch extension, and greaseable parking brake cables. When you ask, Hall responds!
Custom Engineered GSE Products
Hall Industries Engineering group provides customer focused solutions, from needs analysis and conceptual design to production as well as continuing product support. Recent examples include a custom towbar for the nuclear industry, certified load rated lifting equipment, aftermarket belt loader safety supports, greaseable push/pull cables, high traction belt loader step, ticket counter scale cover walk-over ramps, and many more.
Our experiences in providing design services and manufacturing support for our GSE, transit and bridge businesses give us a broad foundation in design, CAD, FEA, testing, prototyping, and production technologies. We have experience designing and producing industrial machines, rail handling support equipment, commercial products, and testing equipment that requires integration of multiple technologies, including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, control systems, data acquisition, and instrumentation. We utilize the latest 3D CAD tools, including Solidworks 2012, Autodesk Inventor 2010, and Pro/E Wildfire 5. In addition we work in AutoCAD LT and use GibbsCAM to support our CNC manufacturing and ALGOR and Solidworks to perform finite element analysis (FEA). Our engineers have a diverse background including military, robotics, government, architectural, structural and automotive engineering.