Success Stories

Hall Industries Product Development Team is always excited to work with customers to develop custom solutions to challenging problems, whether that requires blue sky design, modifications to existing products, or simply manufacturing process improvements for cost reductions. Below are selected projects that highlight a variety of problems solved by Hall Industries’ engineering and manufacturing.

Urban Maglev – Test Vehicle Design & Build

Maglev is a revolutionary approach to public transportation in which vehicles are supported, propelled, and guided by magnetic forces. By minimizing moving parts and physical contact, the Urban Maglev Group (led by General Atomics) transportation solution is low noise and offers lower operating and maintenance costs compared to rail. The low noise, along with the ability to operate in challenging terrain with steep grades (10%) and tight turns (18.3m, 60’), allows alignment design flexibility in dense urban environments. The design achieves the required simplicity with an entirely passive permanent magnet approach. Levitation occurs via generation of eddy currents in the guideway based conductor, whose associated magnetic field then repels the vehicle based permanent magnets. Propulsion force is generated via active guideway based linear synchronous motor coils interacting with the vehicle based sinusoidal permanent magnetic field. Guidance is provided via magnetic attraction to steel guidance rails.

As part of the Urban Maglev Group, Hall Industries was responsible for vehicle and chassis design. We built two complete vehicle chassis, which combined is one vehicle. The design required us to produce large machined aluminum castings, rubber bonded components, aluminum weldments, steel frame weldments, many machined items from steel, stainless steel, bronze and aluminum. We also designed and assembled the vehicle electrical systems, while working closely with other team members to maintain tight systems integration. This project is complete, with the system design approved by the Federal Transit Administration as ready for deployment. The testing program demonstrated systems integration, levitation, propulsion, guidance, ride quality, and vehicle communication and control.

Urban Maglev
R&D 100 Award Concept Drawing
Urban Maglev
Two-Car Test Vehicle
Urban Maglev
Rubber-Bonded Isolation Bushing
Urban Maglev
Current Collector

William Penn Canopy

When the elegant William Penn Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh, PA needed a replacement canopy, Hall Industries stepped in and provided not just a replacement of what had been in place, but implemented the original architects vision. Hall Industries used the original architectural drawings and an amazing local artist to produce from scratch all the wonderful artistic details enjoyed by many every day, as well as modern materials and craftsmanship to meet the required electrical, mechanical, structural and cost requirements. Hall Industries also manufactured the rear entrance canopy and the ornamental window details.

William Penn Canopy
Replacement Canopy Craftsmanship
William Penn Canopy
Artistic Details Recreated With Care

Catering Truck Pivot Repair

In the course of regular inspection of catering trucks, an aviation customer noticed that the OEM main pivots were failing, a major safety problem. Hall Industries engineered, manufactured and installed an upgraded main pivot which returned the trucks to service insuring years of safe operation. We are pleased to offer the repair service or repair kits.

Catering Truck Pivot Repair
Functional Lift Following Emergency Repair
Catering Truck Pivot Repair
Replacement Pivot Part Engineered at Hall

Custom Folding Network Mapping Cart

Helium Networks, a Carnegie Mellon University spinoff / start-up, was setup to commercialize an innovative, patented wireless network mapping technology. In 2004 Hall Industries was approached to develop and manufacture a custom rugged, lightweight, folding network mapping cart to support the software technology. The cart had to integrate the required optical encoders, securely hold a laptop, and fold up to meet airline carry-on size requirements. And it should look cool, as befits a forward looking technology start-up. We met the design requirements and proceeded to produce over 100 carts. The product, ‘Wireless Recon‘ with ‘Site Scout’ cart was recognized by Network World magazine as one of the coolest products at the 2005 Networld+InterOp show for its user-friendliness, sleek look and functionality.

Custom Folding Network Mapping Cart
Folded Cart
Custom Folding Network Mapping Cart
Full Height / Standing Position
Custom Folding Network Mapping Cart
Securely Holding Portable Computer

Custom Towbar

Hall Industries was selected to develop a custom towbar designed to tow very heavy waste containers. Our product development team quickly engineered and manufactured a custom solution to meet the stringent requirements and tight delivery schedule.

Custom Towbar
Waste Container Custom Towbar

Ultra High Pressure (UHP) Waterjet Blasting Support Equipment

UHP waterjet blasting is an efficient, environmentally sound method to remove paint from metal surfaces. Hall Industries was tapped in 2009 to develop custom equipment to support the blasting and repainting of a 700’+ tall steel facade skyscraper in downtown Pittsburgh. Hall Industries engineered, designed and manufactured a hose management system to support the blasting. Additionally, Hall Industries provided custom building clamps for safety and utility tie off points, and 10 “SuperTools” used to dramatically increase blasting productivity and lower overall project costs. The work was performed in close collaboration with the project owner, project engineering company, work crew and other vendors to ensure that the manufactured solutions were safe, operationally suitable, and productive.

Hall would be pleased to work with you to develop custom UHP blasting support equipment and optimized workflow plans.

UHP Blasting Support Equipment
Hose Management System and Custom Building Clamps